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concept car

concept car

The New Gypsies

The car as a living room

Cars as we perceive them today have a design architecture based on their mechanical foundation (the combustion engine). We are in the habit of seeing then in the same way as we have for more than a century. Jose Ramon Lopez Gonzalo questioned what happens when the technology changes – as it is doing right now?

When you park your car, it loses its function. No longer carrying people or goods, it is like a dead object dropped in the middle of the street. Meanwhile, we have new social groups such as immigrants and temporary workers. They wish for a modicum of decency and independence but don’t know how to get it.

The New Gypsies proposes the realisation of a future car that could resolve these problems and would fit into a future environment and future consumer desires.

The New Gypsies’ architecture is based on its hydrogen-fuel-cell technology. This provides water, electricity and heat: basic elements for survival. It is a concept in which your car provides your home with all the support it needs. So it won’t be necessary to connect to the city’s energy infrastructure. We can live anywhere – it’s up to us.

The vehicle doubles as a rolling room, an extension of your home, a place that can be modified and customised according to your needs and tastes.